Born and raised in Montréal, Jazz is an queer, non-binary, multi-racial, left-handed franglophone creative. They are on a journey of unlearning and fighting back against the systems of oppression that built the foundations of their life and the lives of those around them. Their goal is to venture out past their learned comfort with their lived experience and explore the realities and opportunities the world has to offer, with the hopes of inspiring others along the way.

More immediately, they are exploring linguistics, and raising awareness about the importance of inclusive and gender neutral language. With their art, they want to foster healthy, informative, and positive communication with community members of all demographics.

Ultimately, they would like to help evolve the availability of discussions around this topic to more public, accessible, and welcoming places, through promotion and distribution of the available information, and the validation and comprehension of an individual’s lived experience.

Within this website, you will find:
• Art: Personal and for Awareness & Inclusion
• Information: Gender-Neutrality & Grammatical Gender
• Resources: Group Forums & Individual Contacts
Work/Projects: Contact Information & Testimonials

This site will be periodically updated as more resources are uncovered. Thank you for your support. Lots of love.